Tag Archive | Jared Harris


The “Back to the Future” trilogy, “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?”, “Forrest Gump”…that’s some resume. But then Oscar-winning director Robert Zemeckis steered his career towards motion-capture animated features, for the first decade of this century. Upon returning to live action films–his box office dominance of the 1980s and 1990s suffered a bit. 2012’s “Flight” DID end […]

The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

It’s terrific. Really. I’ve heard it labeled “fizzy”, and that’s pretty damn accurate. It seems impossible that I haven’t seen “Spectre” yet (rectified soon, I hope), but I feel like I’ve witnessed a James Bond vehicle anyway. Think 1971’s “Diamonds Are Forever”, but a whole lot more fun. Plus, I now believe Henry CavillĀ isĀ the perfect […]

The Boxtrolls 3D

October has arrived, and all things macabre signal the approach of Halloween at month’s end. I held off a little bit on this critique for that very reason. In fact, I’m planning to make as many reviews and features, as possible, these next 31 days, focus on all things dark and ghastly. And the folks […]