“Twin Peaks” returns in 2016!!!

My birthday present has arrived about two weeks early! In an eArTh-ShAkInG development(at least, for us cult-like fans it was), a new “Twin Peaks” limited series will be financed and broadcast by Showtime. I nearly jumped out of my shoes. It is, so far, expected to be a nine-episode run, with the possibility of a […]

Geraldine Ferraro: Paving the Way on SHO

This documentary needed to be done, I just wish someone else had done it. Shouldn’t we have an examination on film of the first woman ever to share a spot on the presidential ticket? It’s a historic event and a time capsule must. The most memorable line in it says something about “in a hundred […]

Richard Pryor: Omit the Logic on SHO

It would’ve been interesting to have heard from Jim Brown. Pam Grier certainly could have supplied some stories, too. Nothing from his offspring? Those were my eventual thoughts after thoroughly enjoying the SHOWTIME broadcast documentary “Richard Pryor: Omit the Logic”. What wasn’t there. But my initial reaction was amazement that director Marina Zenovich managed to squeeze in […]