Tag Archive | “Pacific Rim”

Crimson Peak

Well, he certainly had a nice streak going. But I’ve finally watched a Guillermo del Toro film that I can’t recommend. I just don’t like “Crimson Peak”. And I was so excited for it, when it opened around the time of my birthday, in October of last year. I will admit this–I bet it looks […]

“Crimson Peak” in a fortnight!

Guillermo del Toro rarely makes a misstep as a director, but the fun “Pacific Rim” was arguably his weakest film. It worked reasonably well as a ‘format-specific’ feature (in other words, seeing it in IMAX 3D, as I experienced it), but I give him a pass on its flaws–if only because he’s usually so damn […]

Gravity IMAX 3D

It’s becoming increasingly obvious to me, that I’m starting to grade certain films for their “event” factor. I believe I first began to realize this when I was reflecting on 2012’s “Life of Pi”. It’s a pretty terrific film, but does it stand up to the test of time? Well, I was initially ready to […]

Pacific Rim IMAX 3D

It’s been a long wait. And, despite some shortcomings, I’m going to deem it worth it. At least in the format that I experienced it in, which was my first ever IMAX 3D. 300 foot robots, battling 300 foot lizards, on a huge screen with pulsating sound, and images reaching out to almost touch you? […]

The Lone Ranger, Pacific Rim, Elysium…will any of them be a hit?

There’s exactly two months left to the summer movie season, which officially ends on Labor Day. Of course, theĀ startĀ of the period used to be Memorial Day Weekend, but generally has begun the last few years by the first weekend in May(“Thor” in 2011, “The Avengers” in 2012, “Iron Man 3” in 2013). And the box […]