Tag Archive | Rob Zombie


The thing is…I’m a fan. Of Rob Zombie. As a director, that is. I really know almost nothing about his music. But I tend to like what he’s created as a filmmaker. His instincts are strong, and I appreciate his aesthetic. It’s just that I never LOVE his stuff. He always someone just misses hitting […]

Labor Day Doldrums…”The Transporter Refueled”?

I’ve never quite understood why Labor Day Weekend is such a traditional studio “dumping ground” for summer movies. Now, it used to be all of August that held that reputation. But recent smashes like last year’s “Guardians of the Galaxy” and this summer’s “Straight Outta Compton” have worked hard to dispel that “dud” designation. Usually […]

The Lords of Salem

Until he blows it in the 3rd act, I really believed that Rob Zombie had something going here. It wasn’t until then, that “The Lords of Salem” became little more than a silly “Rosemary’s Baby” knock-off. And it’s especially disheartening, because he had built a sizable amount of tension and good will up until that […]