Tag Archive | Rebecca Ferguson

Florence Foster Jenkins

Nominated for Best Actress (Meryl Streep) at the 89th Annual Academy Awards Nominated for Best Costume Design at the 89th Annual Academy Awards To borrow from a piece I once did on Tom Cruise: I love Meryl Streep. I hate Meryl Streep. Oh, this has absolutely nothing to do with national politics, or awards show speeches. […]

The Girl on the Train

I was wary of the trailers alone. “The Girl on the Train” movie is based on the bestselling novel of the same name, by Paula Hawkins. And, apparently, it’s been read by every suburban housewife in the country–another blaring warning sign. “Gone Girl”, a 2014 David Fincher film, based on the book by Gillian Flynn, […]

“The Girl on the Train” worth the trip?

So, “The Girl on the Train” opens wide on October 7th, and I’m torn on how to feel about it. Its impending arrival is getting a lot of press, so I’m pretty certain it debuts with a big first weekend at the box office, no matter what. It being based on a popular bestseller (by […]

Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation IMAX

Tom Cruise is still an international movie star. Want proof? Look no further than the rousing success–critically and financially–of the latest entry in the “Mission: Impossible” features, “Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation”. Five movies into the 19-year-old series, and these missions have really hit their stride. Quite possibly, this is the finest of the quintet. […]

“Mission: Impossible 5″…I believe I’m in!

Can you sympathize with my dilemma here? I’ve spent a good deal of time knocking Tom Cruise on this blog, chronicling his craziness–especially in regards to the recent release of the documentary, “Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief”. Tom C’s name is practically synonymous now, with the L. Ron Hubbard religion. But dammit, […]