Tag Archive | “The Avengers”

“Jurassic” smash.

“Jurassic World” had a COLOSSAL opening this past weekend. Defying just about ALL expectations, the film took in an estimated 205 million dollars at the North American box office alone, 2nd only to 2012’s “The Avengers” as a 3-day cash cow. Not only that, its weekend worldwide take was around 512 million, the biggest weekend […]

“Avengers: Age of Ultron”…half a billion by Monday?

I have two IMAX 3D tickets for “Avengers: Age of Ultron” for Friday afternoon. My ten-year-old is stoked, and honestly…so am I. Some marginal reviews I’m reading are giving me pause, but it is the “Golden Age” of superhero movies, and I’m glad to be able to bond with my oldest for these adventures. Soon […]

Much Ado About Nothing

It can’t be avoided, I’m going to have to compare. I mean, I admire the heck out of Joss Whedon for getting this project done AND released to theaters—that alone must have been somewhat of a task. However, I guess the stock that comes with directing one of the highest-grossing films(a little superhero movie from […]

Iron Man 3

This may turn out to be more diatribe than review, but I just can’t help myself. The biggest moneymaker of the year, at over 1.2 billion dollars? As I like to say to my friends, when these empty, summer spectacles rake in the cash, “imagine if it was actually any good”. Shane Black(screenplays for the first […]

Tweet! Tweet! Broadway! …and more.

As I’m dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century, I wanted to remind my current blog readers(as well as future appreciators)that you can now follow it via twitter @MarkLeonard65. I’ve been told that the one-click option is something  that many will appreciate via their mobile devices. Coming up over the next few days: a […]


Just a little morsel before I’m back at some point with a review proper. A)I need to let “The Amazing Spider-Man” gestate a bit, and B)a lot of Independence Day prep happening, so I don’t have time to give a full review at the moment. So? It’s a mixed bag. Good news—Andrew Garfield is wonderful, […]

“The Avengers” one unbeatable adversary…Mr. James Cameron

As predicted on this blog weeks ago, “The Avengers” has now become the 3rd highest grossing film of all time(domestically and internationally), as of just this past Friday. Yes, obviously, Iron Man, Captain America, The Hulk and Thor have proven almost unbeatable at the box office this spring. But it is also becoming apparent that, […]

Captain America: The First Avenger & Thor

As Marvel’s “The Avengers” continues its domination over the worldwide box office(I’m slated to see it tonight…review soon to follow), I treated myself to a couple of re-watchings of the two most recent set-up films(there have been 5 total, the others being “The Incredible Hulk”, “Iron Man” and “Iron Man 2”). 2011’s unofficial summer movie […]

Avengers Assemble…and box office records fall!

Apparently, they did not blow it. “The Avengers”, after a record first weekend domestic take of 207 million dollars, now has a worldwide gross of 833 million dollars as of this past Friday—and is poised to surpass the one billion mark as early as today. For the uninitiated, as far as box office tally goes, those […]

“The Avengers” is coming…please don’t blow it!!!

Expectations are high, box office will be gargantuan…now let’s just hope it doesn’t suck! There will be an exciting collection of superhero films over the next year or so(“The Amazing Spider-Man”, “The Dark Knight Rises”, Superman returns in “Man of Steel”), but “The Avengers” is the maverick that is boldly bringing FOUR franchises together. This […]